Past Editions
The Ultra 2024
In this, the final chapter in the first Pan Celtic Race Series, our Clan of 2024 gathered at the infamous home of TT’s, The Isle of Man. Here they would battle it out against a 100 mile time trail before taking a neutralised ferry crossing to Heysham, where they would then embark on an adventure through the Lake District, Galloway Forest Park, the Kintyre Peninsula, the Isle of Mull, Isle of Skye, and Torridon before heading east, to finish where it all began back in 2019, Inverness.
This ultra cycling journey that spanned over 5 years, 6 Celtic nations and countless miles, would be forever etched into the memories and stories created by each race Clan, as there endeavours spun a web that would intertwine friendships and escapades for years to come.
1,426 mi. • 84,630 ft.
2,295 km • 25,795 m
1,145 mi. • 67,743 ft.
1,842 km • 20,648 m
Key Dates
Sign-On & Briefing
Douglas, Isle of Man.
Race Start: Evening
Douglas, Isle of Man.
TUESDAY 16th JULY 2024
Finisher's Party
And so, we have arrived...

As the sun crested the horizon, painting the sky with hues of gold and tangerine, the Isle of Man beckoned with a whispering call carried on the wind—a beckoning to our current and future Clan.
The 5th and final edition of the first series of The Pan Celtic Race was set to start here. A place where the landscape echoed with the thunderous roars of legends past. The heartland of time trials, where, our riders would themselves take part in a race against the clock.
This race of truth - a 100 mile, fully-loaded and self-navigated nighttime test, not just against the clock but against the shadows of past champions of TT - Agostini, Duke, Hailsham, Dunlop, to name a few.
As the sun rose on a new dawn, our Clan crossed the Irish Sea together and arrived in Heysham. With salt-laden air filling each lung, the route quickly spirited our riders towards the heart of the Lake District and home to the legendary cyclist Fred Whitton. In a tip of our caps to the renowned Hardman of the Lakes, the path of the Pan Celtic took in some of the stunning and brutal climbs he helped etch in cycling lore.
The Wilderness of Scotland

Beyond, lay the untamed wilderness of Scotland, a realm where the very essence of exploration beckoned and home to the very first Pan Celtic Race back in 2019.
Through Scottish moors and glens, this fellowship of riders traveled through landscapes, imprinted with stories weathered by time. Islands became stepping stones, each crossing a daring leap into the unknown, where adversity intertwined with the exhilaration of discovery.
The call of Inverness, a place familiar to our first riders, beckoned from afar. The original starting point and the end point for our epic journey. As wheels spun toward the finish, a poignant realisation took hold: good things, even grand adventures, must find their end.
And yet, in this beauty of completion and closure, lay the wisdom of circles—endings that intertwined with new beginnings. The riders stood not at an end but at a threshold—a threshold that marked the end of one journey but also the genesis of a new one.
The circle closed but every ending held within it the seed of a new beginning, for within every circle lay the potential for new beginnings, as the end of one cycle marked the beginning of another.
The circle closed but every ending held within it the seed of a new beginning, for within every circle lay the potential for new beginnings, as the end of one cycle marked the beginning of another.