
The Team

Matt Ryan
Founder & Clan Chief

Matt Ryan

Matt (AKA Mally, MFR amongst other things) is fond of riding far and at times has been gone for days, to the point he has had to buy a cardboard cut-out of himself to remind his wife and children what he looks like! He has plenty of experience racing and organising bike races and cut his bike-packing teeth on the Bearbones Winter Ride Thing a few years back. He has a fondness of sleeping in bushes, under caravans, drains, football stands – pretty much anywhere that provides shelter on a “ride out”. He rode TCRNO5, TAW, Kromvojoj and is hoping to ride the TABR if his wife will let him. Can be found either on his bike or conducting business from his bath.


Rebecca Ryan
The Chief of the Chief

Rebecca Ryan

Rebecca is a Project Manager by trade. She will be taking care of logistics, legal and finances. When not working and taking care of her boys, she can be found out on her bike in the mountains of Snowdonia and along the Welsh coast. Rebecca’s experienced the highs and the lows of being married to a bike nut and knows what it is to soak up the emotion and atmosphere having been at the finishes of TCR No5 and Transatlantic Way. She is looking forward to welcoming you all in at the finish and meeting some of your loved ones too


Toby Willis
Media Director & Race Organiser

Toby Willis

AKA Tinny, T-Lad, Oak Willow, but more famously as his alter-ego RPT. Route Planner Toby is not to be trifled with, and any of his routes should be approached with caution. His big love for mountains and steep inclines has become his tell-tale trademark. He’s a AAA Audax Super Randonneur, Grimpeur and five time ‘Everester’ (at the last count). You’ll find him posting photos from a 5 o’clock most of us didn’t know existed and he’s often found in the mountains of Eryri, North Wales. A keen lover of all things cycling and our point of contact for everything in the world of media, so please contact him and spread the good word.


Support Team

We’d like to thank the following people for helping with their skills & time. Without their love, support and dedication, there would not be a PCR.

Photography & videography

Rupert Hartley

Rupert Hartley


Tomás Montes

Tomás Montes


Toby Willis

Toby Willis


Project Support

Pat Hall

Fergus Murray

Jake Brewer

David Holden

David Dudley

Jo Jarrett

Barry Lloyd

Toto Gronlund

Shari Williams

Dunc and Sam Stewart-Ball

Debs Davies

Dave Dougherty

Charlotte Hartwell

Andy Dodd